Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Apricot Chicken Salad

My class's field trip to Moscow's Victory Park meant time to pack a lunch.  I found a nice croissant at my little local store, and already had some chicken breasts to make a chicken salad.  I usually put apples in my chicken salad, but I happened to have some dried apricots on hand so I thought I'd try those instead.  May I just say it worked rather well!

Apricot Chicken Salad

2           chicken breasts
1/2        tsp salt
1/2        tsp pepper
dash      garlic powder
1 cup     white wine
1 cup     chicken stock or bouillon
1/2 cup   dried apricots, chopped
1/4 cup   pecans, chopped

Sprinkle the spices onto chicken breasts.  Put a little olive oil in the pan.  Very lightly brown the chicken on both sides, and then add white wine and chicken stock to finish the chicken by poaching.  (Note:  you could just poach the chicken in the first place, but I happen to like a little color on mine)  Remove chicken to a plate to cool.  When cool, chop into pieces.
I added the apricots to the hot poaching liquid after I removed the chicken and let them soften while I made the dressing.   Probably the FDA would not allow me to do that...we do not have these silly rules in Russia!


1/2  cup         mayonnaise
2 Tb              Dijon mustard
1 Tb              white wine (why not--it's a field'll need it!)
1 or 2 tsp       poppy seeds
1/2 tsp           Italian seasoning (or some thyme and oregano)
sugar      -      to taste  (about a tsp if I were guessing)

Note:  this is an approximation of what I made.  I never really measure--I just sling things into a bowl until it tastes the way I like!

Now combine all the chopped ingredients into a bowl.  Slowly add the dressing until it is the consistency you like.  You may or may not use it all, but the dressing does tend to get absorbed the longer it sits.  Serve on croissants or on nice whole wheat bread with a crispy lettuce leaf.  (And a glass of that white wine, if you're not on a field trip!  I had to settle for some yogurt and a mandarin.)

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